Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

using Context Clues; Contrast and Inference.

Using Context Clues ; Contrast and Inference.

    Contrast Clues.

It is sometimes possible to determine the meaning of  an unknown word from a word or phrase in the context that has an opposite meaning. Notice, in the following sentence, how a word opposite in meaning from the boldface word provides a clue to its meaning.
Contrast Clues are the phrases such as: but, although, even though, on the other hand, however, yet, etc.
The readers know that there are two words of expression with opposite meaning in the sentence when one of the clues is in the sentence.
Ø Examples      : a. Sinta is usually Talkactive, but Dino is always Quite.
  b. although most of the students are sure that they
       pass the exam, a few of them are dubious that they


Inference Clues.

Many times you can figure out the meaning of an unknown word by using Logic and reasoning skills. The inference clue helps the readers draw an inference from several equal expressions.
Ø Examples      : a. Elvaridha is successful state woman, prime minister,
      and housewife. She is a versatile woman.
 b. Dedy is Quite versatile; he is a good student, a top
     athlete, and excellent car mechanic, and a gourmet
c. The girl who is standing up in front of building is my
    sister, does not marry yet.

3.     Restatement Clues

Restatement Clues are usually used to signal the similar words or expressions with the unfamiliar or difficult words.
The clues are: or, in other words, commas, parentheses, semicolon, dashes, that is, etc.
Ø Example        : a. My grandfather would like to have his steak well
                               done (cooked well).
                          b. The student forgot the poem; in other words, she did
                               not remember it.

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